“Peace, justice, and healing happen as we heal our relationship with Earth. Around the world, URI CCs are taking action to restore ecosystems and drawdown emissions. Together, we are engaged in the biggest peacebuilding effort known to humanity.” Lauren Van Ham, URI Climate Action Coordinator
The world today is experiencing the consequences of human-made actions that have disrupted biodiversity and the ecosystem. Extreme weather conditions, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and heat waves are affecting each region of the world. This is a call to action from Mother Nature.
URI member groups (Cooperation Circles) are heeding this call, working together to restore biodiversity.
In Malawi, the Wildlife and Natural Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation Trust CC has planted over 3,200 seedlings in a move to conserve the Lilongwe River catchment area through afforestation; Nthora CC has planted 500+ trees to combat floods. Green Hope Foundation CC and indigenous women are planting fruit trees in Peru; North India’s HEENA Rural Women Development CC provides water to animals. Global Compassion CC in Cameroon partnered with West Los Angeles Children’s Choir to fundraise for the installation of three safe water points in Bamia village.
These and other initiatives by CCs around the world demonstrate that by working together, Cooperation Circles can mitigate the negative impacts of environmental degradation and climate change to help restore and protect Mother Earth.